Here are the status codes you might encounter on Dojah and what they mean:
Status code | Error | Description |
200 | Successful | Your request was successful. |
400 | Bad request | Most likely an invalid syntax. Check all parameters. |
401 | Unauthorized | You are unauthorized for this request. Contact [email protected]. |
402 | Payment Required | Your balance is low, please visit the dashboard to top up |
404 | Not found | URL not recognized. Check to confirm the right URL. Records/parameters not found |
405 | Method not found | The request is disabled. Check the URL or rollback recent upgrades. |
408 | Request timeout | Your request took longer than it should have. Check your internet connection. |
424 | Failed Dependency | Third Party service Failure |
429 | Too many requests | You have sent too many requests that has exceeded the rate limit. You need to wait a while. |
500,502,503,504 | Server error | This is a very rare occurrence where the server is unable to process a request properly. Contact [email protected]. |